Friday, March 30, 2007


The blasketblog officially becomes open to posts about BASEBALL tomorrow, Saturday, at 12:00 EST.

The name of the blog will REMAIN THE SAME in spite of the confusion that might cause. It just will.

Please let peops such as Greg Ferguson and Dan Van Auken know about this fact in case they want to post. But don't just invite everyone you know, willy-nilly, because they might be nerds.


JAKE said...

Is this to ensure that Blasketball has no off-season?

Isn't it also permissible to blog about poker, ethnomusicology and language impairment?

Simon said...

A Blasket/Blaseball Blog WOULD cover the entire 12 months span. How about as a rule, every entry when both sports are in play must make reference to both sports?

datageneral said...

I wholeheartedl agree with the terms set forward in the previous two posts.