Thursday, November 8, 2007

Big three?

I don't understand it.

When I was a little kid, I liked the Celtics, #33 and all that. And then they sucked, like unwatchably sucked for years. And now they are promising again. I should be psyched. But instead I find myself rooting against them. Why?


datageneral said...

Who are you, puzzler?

Though I've never been tempted to root for the celtics, I do agree that I hate them now. Nobody should like annoying superteams that have no chemistry. Besides, they're overrated.

JAKE said...

I actually think (and this might be controversial) that they are UNDERRATED. At least among people who actually know about the NBA. Because there are certainly some people that think they're guaranteed to win the East, and probably a precious few who think they'll actually win the Finals -- but, I would say that for people who actually follow the NBA, the expectation would be an appearance in the Eastern Conference Finals, and a loss to a team with more chemistry (Pistons, uh, er, Bulls) or a team with a more dominant single player (LeBron, uh, er, uh, Dwayne Wade)

However, I think the expectation that they will lose in the Eastern Conference Finals is rash -- I think they could crush all of the above teams simply by pounding Garnett on the post and kicking out to a stationary Ray Allen and a slashing Paul Pierce. The lack of chemistry is made up for by the intense "smashing a gatorade cup on his forehead" intensity of Garnett and the sort of freewheeling "we're not used to winning but now we're both good at basketball and also sort of like the bad news bears" attitude that the Warriors capitalized off of last may.

Also -- I wouldn't be surprised to see another smart veteran join the team at the trade deadline.
And, if that player is Antoine Walker, they will totally be WORSE off...

Also -- who is the puzzler?

Also -- happy birthday, rantin' bout the cavs!!!

Simon said...

I, Simon, changed my name to puzzlr for my parents anniversary party blog (I didn't think they would understand or appreciate the multi-level references of pick 'n role player diarist - or that it would make sense to them in the context of a scavenger hunt).

I kind of like it.

JAKE said...

Ah, the PUZZLE zone!!

well done!

i like the new name...

one thing that will be interesting in the eastern conference finals -- will the team be outcoached?? i feel that the coaching is generally weak in the east -- i mean, i don't think flip saunders or mike brown or even pat riley, to be honest, give their teams much of an edge, so perhaps the discrepancy is not enough of a fault to be exploited. . . . scott skiles is totally weird as a coach. it's almost like he's not a coach. like, the bulls just have some weird and mean man instead of a coach. like, the coach went to the beach and the trainer picked up the clipboard and started giving everybody hell . . .